Friday, October 12, 2012

World's dangerous tourist locations

The rising crime rate, terrorist attacks in various parts of world ismaking traveling across the globehighly risky and dangerous. But, itis very hard to resist traveling especially when it is vacation time. One can travel safe by planning perfectly i.e. by avoidingdangerous locations such as thosewith heavy drug trafficking, crimerate, terrorist attacks etc. If you are planning overseas travel then here are ten dangerous tourist attractions that should be avoided, or if you decide to go becareful.
1. Afghanistan:

People who know the beauty of Afghanistan filled with beautiful landscapes and Buddhist shrines love to visit the country. But, majority of the nations across the globe are recommending their citizens not to travel to Afghanistan. This is because of increased terrorist attacks, suicide bombings and kidnapping attacks. Due to continuous wars, the beauty of the landscapes has gradually disappeared and even the existing tourist attractions are notopen for public. You can hardly find tour operators in Afghanistanand they too do not assure your safety. It is recommended to travel to other locations such as Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan with similar beauty.
2. Brazil

The increasing gap between living standards of rich and poor is the major reason for increasing crime rate in Brazil. One has to very cautious at touristlocations such as beaches, hotel and other tourist spots. To protectyourself from being robbed keep your belongings close to you and avoid roaming alone in streets after dark. It is recommended to respect suggestions of locals. You can travel safely in Brazil by taking the necessary precautions such as avoiding walking in streets especially in Favelas.
3. Pakistan

This country which houses highest mountain peaks is tourist spot for mountain climbers. Pakistan infiltrated with Talibans and Al-Qaueda is no longer a safe place to visit. Increased suicide bombings and attacks on even the locals is making it a risky place for tourists. The recent killing of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan by US military has made the situationeven worse. It is totally unsafe for Americans to camp in Pakistan even for a single night. If you lovemountain climbing then consider visiting the neighboring nations such as Nepal or India.

4. Iraq

One of holiest sites for Islam religion and has got many historical sites that are worth visiting. But, the continued war, suicide bombings, terrorist attacks is keeping many of the tourists away from this nation. However, the situation is gradually improving since 2011. But, wait until the situation gets better completely. If you are crazyenough to visit Iraq then considervisiting places such as Jordan withDead Sea, Wadi Rum the valley and the ancient site of Petra. Takethe help of local tours for safe traveling.
5. Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe that houses few popular tourist spots such as the Vitoria Falls along the Zambezi River locally known as Mosi-oa-Tunya which means the smoke that thunders, other nature wonders and game parks is the preferred tourist destination. But, the increased political unrest and degrading economical condition is increasing the crime rate in the country. Armed robbery, mugging, carjacking have become very common in well populated areas of Zimbabwe. If you are travelling to Zimbabwe then be vigilant while hiring taxi driver as they easily cheat touriststo make few additional bucks.
6. Somalia

This country houses the largest coastline in Africa. It has beautiful landscapes and the fabulous Almadow Mountains. But, this country is one among those nations of the world with very less or no tourists. It is because of high rate of drug trafficking, increased use of weapons by locals to gain control of lands and other crimes. Somalia has beautiful restaurants serving excellent and delicious food but to visit them you have tohire at least a dozen well armed bodyguards. So, analyze yourself the safety at this tourist spot.
7. Colombia

Colombia is also oneamong the risky countries to travel in the world. The country is renowned for crime rate, robbery, kidnapping and even hijacking of domestic airlines. Theplace is so risky that wealthy people of that nation move locallyin bomb proof SUV or by employing bodyguards. Among the various crimes the rate of kidnapping is very high in Colombia. Hence, it is highly recommended to avoid this tourist spot. If you are very eager to travel to Colombia then take the help of local tours and do not travel in to the suburbs and remote rural areas.

8. Lebanon

This capital city of Beirut was once the center for civil war. However, the situation improved and has become moderately safe and was known as the Paris of Middle East becauseof its nature beauty. However, recently the terrorist attacks are on rise. The Palestinian groups and organizations such as Hezbollah are making the place unsafe to travel. The local government is making efforts to make the place once again safe totravel and make it a best tourist spot of Middle East.
9. Kenya

This African nation is the center for natural beauty especially the safaris. The Nairobi National Park is the biggest attraction of Kenya. However, the tourist spots are centers for pick pocketing, armed crimes and other violence such as carjacking, kidnapping and even rapes. Recently, terrorist attacks are also on rise due to widespread political indifferences.
10 Haiti

This is one of the poorly developed nations in the Western Hemisphere with reportedly high crime rate. Drug trafficking is also very high in thisHaiti. United States claims that thedrug cocaine that is marketed in United States comes from here. Other crimes commonly observed include murders, carjacking, kidnapping and armed robbery. Despite of the high crime rate the Caribbean Island that Haiti shares with Dominican Republic is safe tovisit. However, remain close to theresorts to avoid trouble.

Travel to these locations only when it is unavoidable and is worth taking the risk. Even in such circumstances take assistance of local travel agents. Take the help of your country embassy located in those countries for immediate help in case of trouble.

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